Category: WEB LOG

This is where the normals live.

A final year update

It's getting harder and harder to keep things updated over here.

I'm working full-time with my good homies at Land, making patches for Elmer Gomer any chance I get, and hanging with my family and friends the rest of the time. This year has brought quite a bit of change, but I couldn't be happier about where things are going and can't wait to see what next year holds. Here are some photos from 2017. Cheers to 2018.

Spring in Texas


Soaking up the best weather while we can. A lot has been going on, so I thought I'd throw together a mini-update of some images from this Spring and some updates on work related things. Hope you are well and living your dreams.





Been doing a lot of late night hours in the studio when I get off work and enjoying my sweet little spaceship in the backyard. I've only got a limited time here, so I'm trying to enjoy it while I can.




Other work updates


Introducing PIN, mascot for Pinhead Pedals. I jammed on this with Tim, who runs Pinhead Pedals to represent his electronic endeavors in Oakland, California. Check him out on Instagram and look for more of PIN's adventures coming soon.


I'm enjoying my new part-time job at Tillery Street Plant Company. Stop by sometime and see all the plants and the new shed coming together. Here's Vinny and me in front of the wall we built.


Been cranking along with the embroidery these days. I'm excited to be collaborating with a bunch of rad folks on some one-of-kind and limited edition stitched goods. First up, Sidewinder Goods and Elmer Gomer teamed up on this custom patch available on their website.

Don't miss out, this will never be available again! Limited to 20 patches. Pre-sale until April 6th.


I've also been lending a hand over at the Land shop doing some odds and ends and helping out where I can. I'm excited to be branching out a bit and mixing up my day to day with a bunch of new projects. Stay tuned for more updates down the line.




Until next time, friends.


In another time’s forgotten space



Fun times!

Check out the buds at Yellow Jacket and their 6th Anniversary Party coming up. Stoked to have spent a majority of those years cranking out posters for the bar.


Read about a couple other projects I just completed below:

Fairless Works


I helped build a brand for artist and builder, Hazey Fairless who does metal and wood working here in Austin. We built a website for you to learn more about her work. Go take a look and hit her up for any artful construction work for the home.

Visit the Fairless Works website

Cactus Construction


I also finished another logo for builder and good homie Ryan Christiansen who is starting his new company in Arcata, California.

Stay tuned for more developments with Cactus.


Here are a few patches for Volcom that I worked on for their new shop coming here in Austin. I've got some other rad news coming on that front, but you'll just have to wait a bit.

Year in the Rearview


Adios, 2016. We won't miss you all that much.

Whether you were bummed on a celebrity passing, you were broke, you didn't vote, you stepped in gum or you realized what a piece of shit the world truly can be, there's probably some reason you're ready for a fresh start. I go between the idea of next year either being way better or way worse. Either way, it's a chance to try to be something different or try something new.



Happy New Year!

Take it easy and let's make some cool stuff next year.
Contact me


Change, change, change

As with many things these days, change is always upon us. With change comes challenge and new obstacles to overcome to move forward. Here's a bit about what's changing in my world.


Hey, America. You fucked up.


We let the world down. We chose to take a giant step backwards in time last week. A candidate who ran a campaign based on fear and hate ended up winning our nation's highest position. It is not good.

I've been struggling to find a way to voice my anger with the situation, but my best response is to work harder. To smile more at strangers, to say hello more often to my neighbors.

Nothing is certain it seems these days. I invite anyone who needs anything to contact me for help. I'm happy to do what I can to support you or your cause through action or artwork.

Contact me


Change of scenery


I've been holding off from talking too much about it, but I'm leaving my little studio at Bearded Lady. For the past two years, I've had a 100 square foot studio at the back of the shop. It has been a great incubation tank for my first couple years of business and I thank Josh and Abi for being rad and letting me do my thing there.

I'm not folding the deck just yet, just in transition to a new space. As with all things in change, the hardest part is the beginning, where all is confusing and hard to understand. The path usually gets easier when you make the first step. I'm excited to see what a new environment does to my work and am welcoming the change, although timidly.

I'll tell you more about my new spot soon, but for now I invite you to come join me for the last day of EAST at my studio this coming Sunday. I'll be doing some custom patches and selling off some artwork and supplies.
